"The Wandering Planet Obel""The Wandering Planet Obel" - By Sebastian Bellows
"Every year, animal-kin across the planet Clade come together, in hiding, to survive the night known as 'All Gutton's Eve'. We're used to the mischevious spirits coming out to play, and how they sometimes use our chimneys as a straw. This year, however... was different."
"This year was different, but no one is talking about it! It should be the kind of event spoken of for generations, though I haven't heard a word from anyone, ANYONE, who witnessed the visitor pass by, and through, our very own Clade. There wasn't a single spectral soul out that night, which encouraged hundreds of animal-kin to leave the safety of their homes out of curiousity."
"That curiousity was rewarded! Those who braved the outdoors saw sight to one of the rarest planets in our nomadic star system: the wandering planet Obel. Some are not going to like the realities to which that planet revealed..." [Daily Gust Editor's Note: Unfortunately opinion columns have a strict word and character count limit, which this explanation is also taking up and accounting for.]